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Using the Apex Central Automation APIs

Using the Apex Central Automation APIs

Register your third-party applications on the Apex Central console before using the APIs to communicate with your Apex Central server.

  1. Obtain an "application ID" and "API key" by adding the third-party application to the Automation API Access Settings screen of the Apex Central console.

    To prevent third parties from intercepting and reusing the JWT, you must configure a Communication time-out interval when adding applications to the Automation API Access Settings screen. Upon receiving the API request, Apex Central compares the "Issued at" (iat) attribute to the time Apex Central received the request. If the request did not arrive before the configured time-out interval, Apex Central rejects the request with a 401 response code.

    For more information, see Adding an Application.

  2. Create a JSON Web Token (JWT) using the "application ID" and "API key".

    For more information, see Authorization Token Structure.

  3. Include the JWT in the authorization header of each request.

    Do not transmit the "API key" as part of the request.

  4. Verify that Apex Central accepted the request.

    For more information, see API Responses.

Adding an Application

Use the Automation API Access Settings screen to allow external applications to consume Apex Central Automation APIs.

  1. Go to Administration > Settings > Automation API Access Settings.

    The Automation API Access Settings screen appears.

  2. Click Add.

    The Application Access Settings section appears and displays the following information:

    • Application ID: Used by Apex Central to identify the external application

    • API key: Used by the external application to sign requests sent to Apex Central

    • API type: Indicates the API functions that the external application can access

  3. Select Enable application integration using Apex Central Automation APIs.
  4. Configure the following settings.
    • Application name: Specify an easily identifiable name for the application.

    • Communication time-out: Select the maximum number of seconds allowed for a request to reach Apex Central after the application generates the request.

  5. Click Save.

    The Automation API Access Settings screen appears and displays the newly added application in the table.